miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022

Hope to Carry on - Caedmon´s Call

Escucha la mejor música del Universo en "Síntesis" (espacio radial de ÁGAPE en la Radio Podcast & Streaming). 
Hope to Carry on  -  Caedmon´s Call
La banda de CCM Caedmon's Call fusiona folk-rock con influencias adultas del rock alternativo.
Acerca de la llamada de Caedmon . Fundado en Houston, Texas, a principios de la década de 1990, Caedmon's Call es uno de los conjuntos más populares del rock cristiano...


martes, 6 de diciembre de 2022


Por: Pr. Julio César Barreto
Tema de Reflexión: Agradecido
Música: Agradecido (Hebert Pabon)
¡Podemos ser agradecidos! (con Dios)
Una Palabra en "Síntesis" un espacio radial de ÁGAPE en la Radio.


viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2022

Entrance - Liz Vice

There you were hanging, transforming the pain into Entrance into your heart Before we could come in, you had to destroy within The dark that kept us apart Before we had heard of you, but had no concern for you Darkness was all around The wall was so high, no way to get by But then you tore it all down
We crossed the threshold and death lost his control As the sun rose in our hearts We felt the warm embrace, of your sovereign grace Now, every day we can start To live and love with you, follow and worship you With songs that flow from our soul. Filled with the light of you, as we are led by you Longing with joy to be home
Jesus come, take our hand Lead us into the promise land